Monday 10/11/2021
Weather / Bean Plant Observations
Discuss / Investigate Overpopulation of organisms in Ecosystems. Investigate effects on producers / consumers. How could this be shown using a food web? Students use VVJ (Visual Vocabulary Journal) to sketch overpopulation. Observe in Nature Center weather permitting, as work is completed. Students observe / help construct the class Terrarium.
Resources: Weather / Bean Plant data charts, MMinds ‘18-’19 pgs. 215 – 221.
Tuesday 10/12/2021
Weather / Bean Plant observations
Continue with changes to ecosystems caused by living organisms, including humans such as overpopulation, and construction of highways etc. Weather permitting, students observe the use of the local ecosystem ( WOISD ), and impact of road /building construction. M Minds ‘18-’19 pgs 220-221 activities.
Wednesday 10/13/2021
Weather observations
Grade #9: Unit 25-Changes to Ecosystems. 10 – item graded assignment covering Mon / Tues concepts. Continue working on VVJ Concept sketchings and MMinds activities (pg. 220 – 221) from Monday / Tuesday.
Resources: M Minds ‘18 -’19 pgs. 215 – 221.
Thursday 10/14/2021
Weather observations
Continue M Minds ‘18 – ‘19 pgs 220 – 222 from Tuesday’s assignment. Also continue VVJ sketchings.
Friday 10/15/2021
Weather / Bean Plant Observations
Fossil investigation intro. Students begin observing fossils as Earth’s time capsule, Use M Minds fossil section as a guide.