Welcome Back from Christmas Break and Happy New Year!
We begin the 3rd 9 Weeks where we left off with Physical Science Concepts being taught right before Thanksgiving Break. Remember – students may bring their lab folder home to review and show parents what we are covering. They are routinely kept in the classroom, but can be taken home per student asking Mr. McBride. PLEASE DO NOT LOOSE THE FOLDER, and HELP YOUR CHILD REMEMBER TO RETURN IT TO THE SCIENCE CLASSROOM. Thanks!
Teacher workday – no students.
Begin 3rd 9 Weeks – Science lab folder clean-out of 2nd 9 Weeks materials.
Weather observations
Review / discussion of Physical Science concepts:
Properties of matter (conductor / insulator, solubility, mass, relative density), forms of energy (energy chart), forces and motion (gravity, friction). Include hands – on examples / lab sheet review. Introduce Mixtures/Solutions concept.
Weather observations
Mixtures / Solutions Comparison Chart / discussion – focus on MIXTURES.
Shoe pile and / or button separation activity example.
Separating Mixtures: Mixture Madness hands – on lab activity separating wood chips, gravel, sand, iron shavings.
Resources: Mixtures / Solutions T-Chart, M Minds 16 – 17 page 27, pages 17 & 18 (two pages stapled), lab supplies and safety equipment (goggles).
Weather observations
Mixtures hands – on lab activities continue from Wednesday. Students record data / observations on lab sheets, including illustrating their mixtures.
Resources: Mix/Sol T-Chart, M Minds 16-17 pgs 27, 17-18 (2 pgs stapled), lab supplies & safety equipment.
Weather observations (include brief discussion of why sun appears to “rise/set”.
Grade #1: Unit 3: Mixtures 10 item multiple choice (M Minds pg. 29 – 32).
Students sketch their lab activity in Visual Vocabulary Journal (VVJ).
Review energy chart again, hit previously taught Physical AND Life Science concepts.