Weather observations
Hands – on Lab activity: Fossils and Fossil Fuels. 5 lab stations, students dig and discover actual fossils at 2 stations. Determine ecosystem characteristics at the time this fossil was alive based on fossil attributes. Others discover fossil fuels (3 stations) and record what types of organisms may have left these energy sources behind, and possible environments. Students also write a passage with illustrations: “What if you were a drop of oil?”
Resources: Hands – on models of Earth’s surface (tubs of soil, rock), M Minds 18-19 pg. 104, 226 (Combine into 1 front / back data sheet)
Wrap up Monday’s activities. Discuss rock formations, layers of rock, and determining older / younger fossils and rocks based on these layers. Discuss Sedimentary rock. Review Earth Science concepts: Water Cycle, Day / Night Cycle – RAD / ROY, Order of planets – My Very Excellent, Sun /Earth /Moon.
Resources: Lab folder Earth Science activities & labs, hands on examples.
Continue Monday / Tuesday’s activities as needed, including Earth Science Review: Landforms, soil types, weather / climate. Grade #2: Down To Earth Science. Students show comprehension of Earth Science concepts on a 10-item Google Classroom graded assignment. Folders and Earth Science activities may be used.
Continue Earth Science Review and begin overall 5th Grade Science review: Ecosystems, living / nonliving parts, Interdependence, food chains / webs.
Grade #3: Our Home Planet. 10 item graded assignment over Earth movements, water cycle, soil types, landforms, weather. 2-3 Physical & Life Science questions. Life Science review continues.
Continue Earth Science Review and begin overall 5th Grade Science review: Ecosystems, living / nonliving parts, Interdependence, food chains / webs.