5th Grade Science Agenda November 15th – 19th, 2021


Continue Mechanical Energy research.  Brainpop video helps with concept understanding.   Lab activity – FORCES Lab stations:  Ball bounce height,  Motion golf,  Gravity racers on ramp,  Pendulum swings.  


Review Life and Physical Science concepts taught thus far:  Food chains / webs,  changes to ecosystems,  fossils,  interactions in ecosystems,  inherited traits and learned behaviors,  properties of matter,  insulators & conductors,  forms and uses of energy.  Examine labs and activities.


5th Grade Science November Checkpoint / Assessment.


5th Grade Science November Checkpoint / Assessment continues.

Students completing the assessment early look over FORCES lab sheet and examine Red Harcourt Science Book pages F6 – F15 to prepare for Friday’s lab conclusion and 10 item graded assignment.


Continue Mechanical Energy research.  Finish up  hands – on lab research:  Pendulum,  ball bounce height,  motion golf,  cars on ramp gravity racers.  Possibly complete Grade #7:  Motion and Movement.  (GC).  Use knowledge of forces,  motion,  movement on 10 item graded assignment.   Students may use lab folders / resources for reference.

Resources:  Brainpop,  lab supplies,  sheet.

5th Grade Science Agenda: November 8th – 12th, 2021


 Light Energy lab stations:  The Broken Pencil,  Prism Light Benders,  Straight Line Flame,  Mirrors & Target Practice.  Reflection, refraction, dark colors absorbing light, (biking at night example),   lighter colors reflect more light.  

Resources:  Lab equipment and supplies,  data sheets,  energy charts, bike.


Light Energy Lab Stations continue from Monday continue in the Science Lab.  Brainpop video over light energy.


Weather observations;  Finish up Light Energy Lab Stations from Monday.  Grade #5: Unit 7 – Light Energy Characteristics. (GC).  Understanding of Light Energy concepts shown by students on this 10 – item graded assignment.  Students may use energy chart,  lab experiment sheets,  lab folder vocabulary.


Weather observations;  Review forms of energy / characteristics of matter studied so far.  Review lab stations,  sketchings,  data sheets.   Grade #6:  Energy / Matter Talk (GC).  Students show understanding energy forms and uses,  and characteristics / uses of matter.  

Resources:  Energy chart,  lab folders (Physical Science materials).


  • Weather observations;  Students begin studying MECHANICAL ENERGY.  Forces such as push / pull  (MMinds 18 – 19 pg. 77).  Two activities on front / back single sheet.  If possible,  use scooters,  hollow barrels,  teacher chair (with wheels),  other class whole group class examples.  

    Resources:  Energy charts,  needed classroom equipment for push/pull activity.


5th Grade Science Agenda: November 1st – 5th, 2021


Weather Observations

Complete hands – on lab Town Lighters / Train Runners.  Various types of matter used to complete electrical circuits.  Discuss / compare / verify results.


Weather Observations

Review / finish up Town Lighters / Train Runners hands on lab.  Brainpop video:  Electricity.  Vocabulary builder sheet (front),  diagramming a circuit (back).  Students describe the concepts and illustrate.  Draw / label a complete circuit.  

Resources:  M Minds pgs. 83-84,  Fridays’ lab sheets, equipment.


Weather observations

Grade 4:  Unit 6: Electrical Energy.  Students complete 10-item daily grade over insulators,  conductors, load, switches, circuits (open / closed).  Students begin examining sound energy characteristics.  

Resources:  Red Science books,  sound energy lab activity sheets.


Weather observations

SOUND ENERGY hands – on lab activities.  Students examine matter and the characteristics of sound INSULATORS and sound CONDUCTORS.  “Sound is caused by…VIBRATION!”  Discuss volume and pitch.   5 lab stations.

Resources:  Energy chart,  Lab materials ( glass bottles,  sand in the pans,  water in tub, etc…)


Weather observations

Finish up Sound Energy labs.  Introduce light energy / lab activities.  Brainpop video.  Using Energy Chart,  discuss characteristics of light energy.  Give simple,  whole group examples such as bikeriding at night in dark clothes vs light clothes. Compare REFLECTION / REFRACTION giving whole group examples.

5th Grade Science Agenda October 25th – 29th, 2021

Here’s wishing everyone a fun,  safe,  and frightening Halloween.  See White Oak Intermediate’s blog about Red Ribbon Week activities this week.


Hands – on lab activity: HOT STUFF.  Students build / create insulators to keep very warm water at high temperatures for  long amounts of time.  Matter brought from home or provided in the Science lab may be used.  Scientific method including lab safety,  procedure,  conservation of resources used.  Students monitor water temperature over time (15 min.) to determine effectiveness of matter they chose.      Resources:  Thermometers,  goggles,  timers,  data sheets.


Weather observations

Wrap – up & discuss HOT STUFF lab.  Grade #3- Matter: States,  Conductors,  Insulators,  Density. (GC)  5th graders show knowledge of the characteristics of matter researched thus far through class activities.   Students begin studying        S H E L S ( S ound,  H eat,  E electrical,  L ight,  S olar ) Energy Chart.  Emphasis on ELECTRICAL ENERGY.


½ Day Early Release.  Classes shortened:  Weather observations and Energy Chart discussion continues;  OR – 5th grade will do a whole group activity with some Science related concepts discussed.


Weather observations   Using S H E L S Energy Chart,  compare characteristics of forms of energy.  Focus on Electrical Energy.  Introduce TOWN LIGHTERS / TRAIN RUNNERS hands – on lab activity.  

Resources:  Building / Train models,  incomplete circuits,  matter to attempt to complete the circuits,  thus lighting buildings / operating trains.  


Weather Observations  Complete hands – on lab Town Lighters / Train Runners.  Various types of matter used to complete electrical circuits.  Discuss / compare / verify results.

Resources:  Same as Thursday.  

5th Grade Science Agenda: October 18th – 22nd, 2021

5th Grade Science Lesson Plans

October 18th – 22nd,  2021

TEKS:  5.1A,B  5.2A,C,D,  5.5 A,B,C


School Holiday / Begin 2nd 9 Weeks Grading Period.  

Grade #1,  Fossils and Ecosystems,  from last week will be recorded on the  

2nd 9 weeks grading period.


Weather observations

Hands – on Lab Investigation – Physical Science:  Properties of Matter.  Lab groups investigate characteristics of matter including conductor / insulator,  solubility in water,  density,  magnetism,  using matter such as sand, oil,  pennies,  nickels,  wood,  spoons, and salt.  

Resources: M Minds 18/19  pages 7(front)  and 14(back),  supplies,  safety equ.


Weather observations

Properties of Matter investigation from Tuesday continues,  finishes.   Discuss results,  including any unexpected data and observations occurring during the lab activity.  Emphasize importance of repeating investigations.  


Weather observations

Grade #2: Unit 1 – Properties of Matter  Google Classroom based on M Minds 2018/2019.  Students show understanding of the observable characteristics of matter.  


Matter and Its’  Properties study continues.  Investigate types of matter that are conductors / insulators of heat / thermal energy.  Display and discuss examples such as plumbing insulation,  styrofoam cups,  metal / aluminum cans,  fabric / cloth,  foil.  Introduce  Hot Stuff  lab activity.  

Resources:  H20,  hot plate,  lab sheet /folders,  lab supplies.

5th Grade Science Agenda October 4th – 8th, 2021


Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Discuss / Investigate Overpopulation of organisms in  Ecosystems.  Investigate effects on producers / consumers.  How could this be shown using a food web?     Students use  VVJ (Visual Vocabulary Journal) to sketch  overpopulation.  Observe in Nature Center weather permitting,  as work is completed.  Students observe / help construct the class Terrarium.  

Resources:  Weather / Bean Plant data charts,  MMinds ‘18-’19 pgs.  215 – 221.  


Weather / Bean Plant observations

Continue  with changes to ecosystems caused by living organisms,  including humans such as overpopulation, and construction of highways etc.  Weather permitting,  students observe the use of the local  ecosystem ( WOISD ),  and impact of road /building construction.  M Minds ‘18-’19 pgs 220-221 activities.  


Weather observations

Continue Changes to Ecosystems Observations using M Minds ’18 – ’19 pages 220 – 221.


Weather observations

Grade #9:  Unit 25-Changes to Ecosystems.  10 – item graded assignment covering Mon / Tues concepts.  Continue working on VVJ  Concept sketchings and MMinds activities (pg. 220 – 221)  from Monday / Tuesday.  

Resources:  M Minds ‘18 -’19 pgs.  215 – 221.

Continue M Minds ‘18 – ‘19  pgs 220 – 221  from Tuesday’s assignment.  Also continue VVJ sketchings.


Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Fossil investigation intro.    Students begin observing fossils as Earth’s time capsule,   Use M Minds fossil section as a guide.  

5th Grade Science Agenda October 11th – 15th, 2021


Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Fossil investigation intro. continues.   Students begin observing fossils and interpreting them as Earth’s time capsule.   Fossil Finding Activity:  Students become archeologists and dig for fossils in models (soil in tubs).   Use Mentoring Minds data chart to record information using sketchings and descriptive adjectives.

Resources:  M Minds 2018/2019 pg 226,  fossils buried in models.


Weather observations

Fossil Investigation continues / wraps up.  Weather permitting,  students observe Nature Center and hypothesize (predict) types of fossils found by archeologists in this area in 1,000 years.  Why?  What does this tell future generations about our ecosystem’s characteristics in 2021?

Resources:  Nature Center,  Fossil Finding Activity,  Sketchings.


Weather observations

Grade #1  (2nd 9 Weeks) – Fossils and Ecosystems.  (GC)  Students use Finding Fossils Activity knowledge, lab folders,  M Minds data form as resources.

Thursday 10/14/2021

Weather observations

Life Science Wrap – up with Ecosystem On The Hunt.  Weather permitting – students work in research groups,  fill in data sheets as they locate organisms in the ecosystem,  name,  classify (producer / consumer / decomposer),  and determine the organisms ability to survive in this forest ecosystem.

Friday  10/15/2021

Wrap up Ecosystem On The Hunt,  discuss.  Introduce Physical Science with the properties of matter.  Hands – on lab intro:  Students investigate characteristics of matter such as conductor / insulator, magnetism, solubility in H2O with matter such as wood, spoons, pennies, oil, salt, nickels, etc.

Resources: MMinds 18/19 pg. 7 (front) and 14 (back),  lab supplies, goggles.

5th Grade Science Agenda: 10/11/2021 – 10/15/2021

Monday 10/11/2021

Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Discuss / Investigate Overpopulation of organisms in  Ecosystems.  Investigate effects on producers / consumers.  How could this be shown using a food web?     Students use  VVJ (Visual Vocabulary Journal) to sketch  overpopulation.  Observe in Nature Center weather permitting,  as work is completed.  Students observe / help construct the class Terrarium.  

Resources:  Weather / Bean Plant data charts,  MMinds ‘18-’19 pgs.  215 – 221.  

Tuesday  10/12/2021

Weather / Bean Plant observations

Continue  with changes to ecosystems caused by living organisms,  including humans such as overpopulation, and construction of highways etc.  Weather permitting,  students observe the use of the local  ecosystem ( WOISD ),  and impact of road /building construction.  M Minds ‘18-’19 pgs 220-221 activities.  

Wednesday  10/13/2021

Weather observations

Grade #9:  Unit 25-Changes to Ecosystems.  10 – item graded assignment covering Mon / Tues concepts.  Continue working on VVJ  Concept sketchings and MMinds activities (pg. 220 – 221)  from Monday / Tuesday.  

Resources:  M Minds ‘18 -’19 pgs.  215 – 221.

Thursday  10/14/2021

Weather observations

Continue M Minds ‘18 – ‘19  pgs 220 – 222  from Tuesday’s assignment.  Also continue VVJ sketchings.

Friday   10/15/2021

Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Fossil investigation intro.    Students begin observing fossils as Earth’s time capsule,   Use M Minds fossil section as a guide.  


5th Grade Science Agenda: 9/27/21 – 10/1/2021

September 27th – October 1st,  2021

TEKS:  5.1,  5.2,  5.3  5.9,  5.10



Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Review Life Science concepts taught thus far:  Parts of an ecosystem – living / nonliving,  consumers,  producers,  decomposers,  scavengers,  prey,  predator,  inherited traits,  learned behaviors,  functions of structures on organisms.  

Resources:  Science lab folders,  Brainpop.



Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Continue Life Science concepts review from Monday.  Look over labs,  observations,  sketchings.

Resources:  Science lab folders,  Brainpop.  



5th Grade Science September Checkpoint Assessment.  Students will complete a 20 question assessment over Life Science concepts covered thus far.  Students will NOT be allowed to use lab folders.



5th Graders continue the Science September Checkpoint Assessment from Wednesday.  

This will count at GRADE #8 for the First Nine Weeks.  This is a formal assessment.  No corrections will be allowed to bring up the student’s grade.  We will,  however , discuss the questions to help students understand why they “missed what they missed”.


Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Wrap up 5th Grade Science September Checkpoint Assessment from Tuesday / Wednesday.  Begin Examining the concept of Overpopulation in an Ecosystem.


5th Grade Science Agenda- 9/20/21

5th Grade Science Agenda

September 20th-24th,  2021

TEKS:  5.1,  5.2,  5.3  5.9,  5.10

Some activities roll over from last week


Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Introduce Inherited Traits / Learned Behavior ( Brainpop and discussion).    Students share examples of both.  Focus toward Inherited Traits.  Introduce Reebop / Wuzzles hands – on Lab Activity.   Inherited Traits ½ sheet survey.

Resources:  Brainpop,  lab folders (definitions),  Reebop / Wuzzle lab activity.


Weather / Bean Plant Observations

Reebop / Wuzzle lab activity.  Students work in partner groups of 2 to decide, using dice,  which structural, physical characteristics the offspring Reebop Wuzzle will have on its body.  ( short or long tail,  2 or 4 legs,  1 or 2 eyes,  etc).   These inherited traits determine   physical features   the Reebop / Wuzzle model will have,  allowing it to survive  in certain ecosystems.

Resources:  Reebop Wuzzle lab sheets, supplies,  dice.


Early Release Day – Science classes shortened.

5th Graders may possibly do a grade level activity due to reduced class time.


Reebop / Wuzzle lab activity continues.   Partner groups use the inherited trait information from Tuesday’s activities to construct the Reebop Wuzzle model.  No physical,  structural trait goes on the offspring model unless heredity passes it from the parents to the new organism.  Discuss results,  display traits  to the class.  Compare / contrast Reebop inherited traits to possible learned behaviors.


Weather / Bean Plant observations

Grade #7:  Unit 28 – Inherited Traits, Learned Behaviors