Weather Observations
Complete hands – on lab Town Lighters / Train Runners. Various types of matter used to complete electrical circuits. Discuss / compare / verify results.
Weather Observations
Review / finish up Town Lighters / Train Runners hands on lab. Brainpop video: Electricity. Vocabulary builder sheet (front), diagramming a circuit (back). Students describe the concepts and illustrate. Draw / label a complete circuit.
Resources: M Minds pgs. 83-84, Fridays’ lab sheets, equipment.
Weather observations
Grade 4: Unit 6: Electrical Energy. Students complete 10-item daily grade over insulators, conductors, load, switches, circuits (open / closed). Students begin examining sound energy characteristics.
Resources: Red Science books, sound energy lab activity sheets.
Weather observations
SOUND ENERGY hands – on lab activities. Students examine matter and the characteristics of sound INSULATORS and sound CONDUCTORS. “Sound is caused by…VIBRATION!” Discuss volume and pitch. 5 lab stations.
Resources: Energy chart, Lab materials ( glass bottles, sand in the pans, water in tub, etc…)
Weather observations
Finish up Sound Energy labs. Introduce light energy / lab activities. Brainpop video. Using Energy Chart, discuss characteristics of light energy. Give simple, whole group examples such as bikeriding at night in dark clothes vs light clothes. Compare REFLECTION / REFRACTION giving whole group examples.