Weather observations
First day back from Spring Break – so we will review Earth Science Concepts taught thus far. Begin examining Natural Resources -Renewable / Nonrenewable. In – class hands – on examples. Compare /discuss characteristics of each.
Resources: M Minds ‘17 ‘18 pg. 213 – 221.
Evaluation: Observe the uses of natural resources around the WOISD campus – indoors and outdoors – weather allowing. Students compare various resources, their uses, and devise ideas to improve wise use of resources and conservation.
Google classroom assignment which includes:
Weather observations, Reading and questions-Earth Science – The Earth’s Resources, Natural Resources poster encouraging students to conserve and use resources wisely.
Resources: Reading, paper / supplies for poster, weather channel website.
Weather observations
Grade #1: Unit 20: Natural Resources. Students use materials from this week, lab folders, and knowledge from activities fo complete a 10 item Google Classroom graded assignment. Afterward, continue working on Earth Science – The Earth’s Resources, google classroom assignment from Wednesday: Read pages C34 – C47 in Red Science Books.
Weather observations
Review and go over Earth Science Concepts. Finish up any incomplete Earth Science projects / activities. Outdoor classroom / observations if weather permits.