Continue Mechanical Energy research. Brainpop video helps with concept understanding. Lab activity – FORCES Lab stations: Ball bounce height, Motion golf, Gravity racers on ramp, Pendulum swings.
Review Life and Physical Science concepts taught thus far: Food chains / webs, changes to ecosystems, fossils, interactions in ecosystems, inherited traits and learned behaviors, properties of matter, insulators & conductors, forms and uses of energy. Examine labs and activities.
5th Grade Science November Checkpoint / Assessment.
5th Grade Science November Checkpoint / Assessment continues.
Students completing the assessment early look over FORCES lab sheet and examine Red Harcourt Science Book pages F6 – F15 to prepare for Friday’s lab conclusion and 10 item graded assignment.
Continue Mechanical Energy research. Finish up hands – on lab research: Pendulum, ball bounce height, motion golf, cars on ramp gravity racers. Possibly complete Grade #7: Motion and Movement. (GC). Use knowledge of forces, motion, movement on 10 item graded assignment. Students may use lab folders / resources for reference.
Resources: Brainpop, lab supplies, sheet.